I will take a little break from my painting journals and talk about a project I taken on in the past few months... a studio re-new. I currently have a home based studio, one room dedicated to creating, storing, and imagining possible work. As you can well imagine it is rammed full of paintings, paints, easels, foam core, matte board, frames, etc.
I have had a number of different studios since my graduation from art school, in basements, garages, spare rooms, and even one warehouse space, but my current studio is my best studio by a long way. My studio is the master bedroom of my home, it was chosen because it had the best light, the most space, and an interesting roof line. I also share this studio with Eric Nylen, portrait painter. In the past few months we have under taken a re-vamp of the studio space, by painting the walls, working on a collaborative mural(watch for a posted photo in the weeks to come), and hanging wall paper on the longest wall, yes you heard me... wallpaper! I ordered the paper from the UK, from Cole and Son the pattern is called Malabar (see in photo above). The studio is also filled with a number of items I have picked up on my travels. Whenever I have gone abroad, I have always been on a shoe string budget, so I started getting in the habit of bring home found souvenirs. Some examples of this is shard of broken tile, glass bottles, sea shells, coral, dried pods, and pine cones. I also have a collection of postcards from art galleries and museums I have visited. I started collecting the postcards to remember the places I have been, and because they were cheap and light to carry. All of these little items are mementos that remind me of a past journey, but these objects also describe my personal aesthetic; the colors, forms, and lines that I am drawn to.
I also have a sketchbook that I fill with magazine clippings, mainly from design books that I buy. This is a good practice for a budding artist or anyone thinking of taking on a design or renovation project, to help you discover your personal style.