What is creativity; what does it mean to be creative?
Most people think of creativity as solely a creative pursuit i.e painting or drawing. No doubt creativity can include those activities, but I think creativity can be applied to many areas, even to something as linear as business for example. Creativity or creative problem solving is the ability to make choices or decisions on the fly; in direct response to unplanned events or problems. It is also the ability to think outside of what has been done to find answers, resolutions, or new ways of doing things. This type of problem solving is done consistently when creating a work of art. The artist is constantly making decisions or problem solving to work out compositional concerns; what colour to place next to one another as well as where to place objects on the picture plane. The artist makes these decisions in direct response to unplanned events. Artists are able to make snap decisions for what is best for the artwork or project. This may result in changes, alteration, or elimination of key elements of the original idea. I often describe this to students as doing what is best for the piece, which may mean letting go of their favorite elements in order to create the strongest artwork possible. Often times I hear from the untrained eye, when viewing a piece of art that appears simple or is abstract by nature "I could do it". In the act of copying or mimicking an artwork the I could do that statement may hold true, but I challenge those voices to start from the beginning of the creative process with blank page and create their own simple or abstracted work. This of course is far more difficult. Like many activities when done well, appear to be easy to execute.
Like any talent some people are naturals, but I believe everyone can develop their creative side. Individuals should go in with realistic expectations when beginning their creative pursuits. Whether taking a painting class or learning to play the guitar, practice makes perfect. The more time you spend doing an activity the better you will become at it. Word to the wise, it is unrealistic to think after one session of art classes you will have a master piece to hang above your sofa. Take your time, build on your skill set, and try to enjoy the creative process. Very interesting things happen when you learn to let go, this holds true in both life and art.
If you have ever had a interest in a pottery class or if you have always wanted to paint at the lake, I encourage you to go for it. You may find a life long hobby or at least tap into creative problem solving skills.