“Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working.”
Pablo Picasso
Some find inspiration in a muse, some in music, or the natural world as a source for their creativity. For me, I am inspired by all of these things, but above all that is inspiring is discipline. I paint because I need to paint, it is part of who I am and it is what I do to level myself out. It is an outlet for me. But having said that what gets me in the studio is discipline, not inspiration. I do not wait for inspiration to strike and I paint even when I don't feel like it. It is a lot like exercise for many people, often it is hard to get started but after wards you are always glad you did it. At the end of a painting session I feel a sense of accomplishment and re-energized.
In the new year began re-working the above piece, started in 2010. I begun experimenting with thick layers of paint, applied with a palette knife. I often use falling leaves in my work as a symbol of calm. It occurred to me one day to use a thick swash of paint to represent the leaf. That a swash of paint could be fresh and less contrived than drawing and filling in the leaf shape. This thought lead to the thick application of more paint on the canvas. Although still a work in progress this piece may be a preview of new directions for me in 2011.
If there is something you have been wanting to start this year, go ahead and take the first step, do not wait for inspiration to strike.
Just do it!