Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tip Your Hat!

"Spaghetti Western: Fornasetti Hat" Lisa Tornack

I am pleased to announce my participation in the 3rd Annual Tip Your Hat event! Tip your Hat, is an auction proceeding fine arts programming for Calgarians experiencing homelessness. The live auction will take place on Wednesday July, 13th, 2001 on Stephen Avenue Mall in downtown Calgary, Alberta during Stampede week. Special guests will model these unique hats designed by This is My City artists. The inspiration for my hat, "Spaghetti Western" came from the designs of the Italian artist Piero Fornasetti. This mixed media cowboy hat uses collage, oil and spray paint to create a surreal dream. http://www.fornasetti.com/

During the royal visit the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge received a hat from TMC artist Jody Williams! One of our hats is now in the collection of the Royal Family, now come down and get yours!

This is My City Arts Society (TMC) is a not for profit organization that uses the arts to create awareness about the issues of homelessness and poverty in Calgary. For more information on TMC go to: www.tmccalgary.wordpress.com or join our Facebook Group “This Is My City Society”