Saturday, December 17, 2011

"So this is Christmas and what have you done?"

Dear Collogues, Family, and Friends,
It is hard to believe another year has passed and we are already approaching 2012. As I look back on the highlights of 2011, my favorite part of this last year was the opportunity to connect with both old and new friends; the fellow artists I work with at Wildflower Art Centre, Prospect, and through my Christmas sales. I am very fortunate to work alongside these dedicated and talented people. It has been truly awesome to watch the talents and professionalism of my fellow artists, expand and grow.

Personally, I want to thank (you!) my family and friends for attending exhibitions and sales in support of my artistic endeavors this year. I am always surprised to see your friendly faces in the early morning at some community hall and am amazed how you continued to keep coming out in support me and of my artwork. Lastly, a big thank you to E for his encouragement and assistance over the past year, whether he is helping me with yet another load of artwork or listening to endless "grant rants", he is always willing to lend a hand and an ear.
I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas....

Sayōnara 2011 and hola 2012!
Lisa Tornack