Monday, July 7, 2014

Studio is complete!

Over the past few months my husband, Eric has been slaving away to create an art studio in our garage. I just wanted to give him a shout out for all his hard work and also show the stages of the project.

We have an over sized garage in our backyard, originally my plan was to paint in a corner of it. Last winter was very cold and it soon become clear that heating the entire space would be difficult.  Our solution was to create a separate room within the garage, an insulted and dry walled space that would be easier to heat and keep the dust down to a minimum. Here are the results of his hard work from project inception to completion!

Now I am back at it, working on a new series of paintings inspired by a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico, stay tuned for some works in progress. A big thank you to all that helped with the project my Dad, Max, Clint, Wayne, and most of all my most excellent husband ERIC!!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Art & Coffee

If you are in the Banff area, pop into the Wild Flour Bakery. I have of my most recent artwork on display there from now until July 1, 2014. The work featured in this mini exhibition include a series of paintings on top of photographic print. Have a coffee and enjoy some art in the spectacular setting of of the Canadian Rockies!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Year of the Horse: Goals for 2014!

As we gallop into the year of the horse I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past year and start goal setting for 2014!

Last year was a big year for me! I moved from a condo into a house, completed a number of contract roles; one with Calgary Arts Development, the second with the Arts & Culture division with the City of Calgary, and the biggest news of all I got married in 2013! With all the changes, challenging roles professionally, and excitement in my personal life, last year was a slow one on the art front! I am looking forward to getting back to work and have some new ideas for projects both inside and outside the studio.

One of the first items on my list is converting my garage into a working art studio; stay tuned for images and updates on the progress. I will also plan to continue my studio work, oil painting on photograph prints. I have some great imagery taken from my honeymoon, which I plan to use in a series of paintings and am excited to share in the months to come! Watch for works in progress. The year of the Horse's focus will also include education. I hope to continue my professional development and do some further research into educational opportunities. I am kicking off this year's theme of education by participating in a course presented by the City of Calgary's Public Art program, "Artists Working in the Community".  I hope to share some of my learnings from the program in the weeks to come.

If you have not visited my website in a while, it is new and improved...swing by

Lastly, a big thank you to all my family, friends, and supporters in 2013, especially my husband Eric! You inspire me to keep on trucking!

Lisa Tornack