Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to the Studio

This summer I have had the opportunity to spend a good chuck of time painting. I have been fortunate to complete some new works and have had the opportunity to experiment with new materials. One material I have begun working with are oil sticks. For those of you that have not worked with the material before, oil sticks are basically an artist’s oil paint in stick form wrapped with paper. This material has allowed for a different way of working. I am able to apply colors directly on to the canvas as easily as if I was drawing instrument. Unlike oil pastels, oil sticks are much larger, softer, and can be easily combined with traditional oil paints. I began experimenting with the sticks as a way to integrate words into my canvas pieces; as a way of creating thin, fluid lines. Although I have completed many paintings with text, most of these work were on paper. The challenge I have been facing, is how to create thin precise lines of letters on the rough tooth of canvas.

Another method have been experimenting with this summer, is something I learned from my ceramic studies, a technique called sgraffito. Sgraffito comes from the Italian word meaning to scratch. I begin by applying one paint color, then allow it to dry this usually takes 4-5 days. Then when dry I paint a second color over top of the first. While wet, almost immediately after application I will use the end of my paint brush and write words by scratching away the top layer of wet paint away, in order to reveal the dry color beneath.

I am looking forwarding to displaying this new work at the Marquee Room this fall. Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 7, 2010 for the opening reception!

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