Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Infinity and Other Personal Symbols

As promised here is an image of the collaborative piece Eric Nylen and myself have been working on in the studio. The mural is a "work in progress" featuring a youthful Neil Young, winged hearts, and falling stylized cherry blossoms. The imagery in this mural is pulled from our own personal symbols. As I have mentioned before personal symbols are images that hold meaning to the creator of them. I often use a number of symbols in my artwork. Falling leaves, cherry blossoms, infinity signs, and the color red are symbols I use often in my paintings. The leaves and cherry blossoms are symbolic of inner peace and tranquility. This imagery juxtaposed against messy aggressive text represents an inner dialog. I have also begun using infinity symbols in my paintings, looping the shape over and over the horizon line. The definition of infinity is something without limits: limitless time, space, or distance; the symbol itself is unbroken and never ending. I use this symbol in tandem with leaves and blossoms to represent ever lasting peace; beginning with peace of mind and in the larger context harmony with all of mankind. The colour red is seen in almost every one of my paintings; like blood pumping from the heart, red is a symbol of energy and life force. The use of symbols in my artwork communicates to the viewer through visual language, themes I am exploring in both my artwork and my life.

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