The past few months have been a busy time for me. I have shifted from my usual focus on studio practice to the practice of grant writing. As Canadians we are very fortunate to have a number of granting bodies devoted to the arts; grants to both individuals artists and arts organizations. Grants are awarded for projects ranging from travel and creation to professional development and equipment acquisition.
The project I have proposed includes a research and production grant. I have been thinking a lot about the cycles of the natural world. A plant's life cycle can be seen in a short period of time from seed, to growth, and then demise. This energy does not leave the earth, it is just transformed into something else. I started thinking about even larger cycles within the natural world, particularly in the formation of the Rockies. Millions of years ago there were mountains, slowly those mountains were transformed into an ocean, and now that same ocean is a mountain once again. I am fascinated in the way that these cycles speak to the interconnection of all living things. The project I have proposed explores these ideas.
Now that the grant is signed and the post mark is stamped. I feel a real sense of accomplishment and look to the sky and hope the grant gods agree.
Good luck! Your work is lovely!