Monday, May 13, 2013

Lifecycle Community Bike Project: Grassroots Inspired Grants

Lifecycle Community Bike Project took place at G.W. Skene an elementary school located in Calgary's north east. For two consecutive afternoon's in March 2013, artists Hannah Poon and Lisa Tornack had the opportunity to work with 75 grade 5 to design and paint an interactive mural. This mural project utilizes salvaged bike parts to create a vibrant outdoor mural for the Lifecycle Community Bike Shop and G.W Skene. The three grade five classes brainstormed around themes of walk-able, bike-able cities and Calgary to create the final three paneled triptic. Each of the three panels will find a home in separate parts of the city. The first will find it's home at the Lifecycle Community Bike Shop, the second will be keep as a legacy piece for the school, and the third will be gifted to a public space in north east Calgary.

We would like to thank Lifecycle Community Bike, staff and students of G.W Skene for and a big thank you to Calgary 2012 for their generous support of this project!

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